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3 Lessons Learned from Launching and Running a Reuse Startup

Launching a reuse company is hard. Here are three lessons I learned.

3 Lessons Learned from Launching and Running a Reuse Startup
Members Public

Waste Has Become So Complicated We Don't Know WTF Is Happening

In all areas of society, we grow more complex in subtle and incremental ways. Waste is no exception.

Waste Has Become So Complicated We Don't Know WTF Is Happening
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BIG Plastic Had a Choice Between Glass, Aluminum, and Plastic. They Chose Gaslighting

The plastics industry continues to make the ridiculous argument that the best way to lower carbon emissions is to use MORE plastic. The only way to solve plastic pollution is for MORE recycling.

BIG Plastic Had a Choice Between Glass, Aluminum, and Plastic. They Chose Gaslighting
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What Reuse Means

Reuse vs refill vs milkman model - what’s the difference? A sustainability professional explains.

What Reuse Means
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4 Resources You Need to Stay on Top of Reuse, Refill, and the Milkman Model

I’ve found 1147 reuse businesses so you don’t have to. Get some inspiration by clicking around and seeing what reuse innovation is happening all over the world.

4 Resources You Need to Stay on Top of Reuse, Refill, and the Milkman Model
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Reusable Packaging Can Elevate the Customer Experience in Ways Single-Use Cannot

The benefits of single-use over reusable products made sense in 1934 when a glass vessel was the only reusable option. But, modern technology offers more benefits than just glass.

Reusable Packaging Can Elevate the Customer Experience in Ways Single-Use Cannot